Vegas Realty Check

Vegas Realty Trends Meet Revolutionary Health Solutions

Trish Williams - Keller Williams The Marketplace- S.0175530 & Tiana Carroll S.178943

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Curious about the latest trends and opportunities in the Las Vegas real estate market? Join us on Vegas Realty as Trish Williams and Tiana explore the current landscape, highlighting an increase in single-family home inventory and price reductions that signal a buyer-friendly market. Our special guest, Junko Borg-Harris from Avacyn, introduces a groundbreaking homeopathic machine designed to enhance blood circulation, relieve pain, and boost the immune system. Tiana experiences the machine firsthand, enjoying its soothing warmth while Junko shares her inspiring personal success stories, including relief from arthritis and migraines.

Discover the various ways you can experience this unique health machine, from purchase to rental to free trials, and learn about benefits available to veterans through the VA system. Junko emphasizes the importance of hydration, particularly with alkaline water, to maximize the machine's effectiveness. We also discuss how the device can complement other treatments, such as massages and chiropractic care, by improving relaxation and circulation. Wrapping up, Junko shares her journey as a cancer survivor and how alternative treatments, including this machine, have positively impacted her health. Tune in to get details on demos, rentals, and personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs.

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Speaker 1:

Hey Las Vegas, welcome back here to Vegas Realty. Check your local Las Vegas real estate news show and I'm your host, trish Williams. As you can see, tiana is in a contraption right now.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I am in a contraption and glad to be. I'll tell you guys all about this contraption. When we get into our guests. We have our community spotlight this week, yes, and we have a very special guest who has been well we've known. We met Junko at the home show.

Speaker 1:

At the my Baby Home Show and I actually met her years ago at a craft show at an elementary school.

Speaker 2:

So yes, we and then, when we put her phone number in our phone, we realized we had done real estate business with her as well. Well, we've not talked real estate before. So before we get into this contraption and before we get into our community spotlights with our guest Junko today, we do have to do what we always do, and that is go over our Las Vegas real estate numbers.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, our inventory numbers. I wish your machine could fix this.

Speaker 2:

Right, it can fix lots of stuff, but I don't know if it can fix inventory numbers.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if it can fix inventory numbers, but our single family inventory for the week is 5311. We are over 5,000 people. That's just single family homes. So we are definitely at a spike in inventory as we are approaching election season.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we definitely got that spike, which is good, because now that the interest rates will, you know, know? Theoretically come down that means there's going to be some inventory for people who are in the shopping realm to purchase some homes, so that's good. As for selling the homes, though, we're getting homes on the market, but they are not flying off the market the way they were six weeks ago. Yeah, there's a 387 sold last week, so that's pretty slim for us.

Speaker 1:

Pretty slim Under contract numbers down as well. Those are 565.

Speaker 2:

But you know what's up? Guess what's up, guys.

Speaker 1:

The number you don't want up is price decreases. People are dropping their prices to attract some buyers. So those are up at 626 this week.

Speaker 2:

Yep. So we've said it before that this is a really good time to buy, because those sellers are acting like they are in a buyer's market. They are competing, they are dropping prices, they are offering concessions. It is a good time. If you're capable to be in the market and get something, do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're motivated. I have a couple good listings hitting the market this upcoming week, so, and yes, sellers are motivated. The ones that are selling need to sell, so let's get some buyers out there Right. So, for today, we have our guest and we have this machine. So our guest is Junko Borg-Harris, and Junko is she represents a company called Avacyn, and tell us a little bit about your product and what it does. We have Tiana trying it out to give us a first hand.

Speaker 2:

Well, because I had to try it out right. Like approximately 80% of people over the age of 40, they experienced some narrowed capillaries reducing oxygen nutrients to the body, and so this little homeopathic machine is so beneficial for that. Tell us a little bit about it, junko. Yes, this is.

Speaker 3:

I call it a miracle machine because it has saved me from arthritis, pain and injuries from car accidents. Doctors wanted to operate and put a plate in my neck, fuse my ankle and also put me on decompression for $8,000 worth of treatments. And I did not have to do any of this. This device, this device, using it twice a day, morning and night, you can start at 30 minutes on each hand or 15 minutes on each hand in the morning and at night, and you'll have you know many people experience relief from pain, from migraines, from hangovers.

Speaker 1:

This is perfect Hangovers, perfect for Vegas.

Speaker 2:

Right, this should be at every breakfast spot in Vegas then, yes, I'm surprised it's not on the strip.

Speaker 3:

You know, with multiple units being used all day long, oh yeah, because they do have things like the oxygen stations that you can go to to sort of recover.

Speaker 2:

And then we also have the IV. Yes, that they pump you full of electrolytes and send you on your way, so that way you're not suffering from a hangover.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm going to be on a cruise ship soon. Maybe I should come along with us.

Speaker 2:

Right, you should pack this up with you.

Speaker 1:

Oh yes, so, even though in this machine you only put your hand, it can treat parts of your body that are not located in your hand or your arm.

Speaker 3:

Well, yes, what it does is it heats your hand, where all your blood vessels are right here, and it warms your blood, thins your blood, gets that blood circulating throughout your whole body, opening up all your capillaries and getting all the toxins out, oxygenating your blood. Gets that blood circulating throughout your whole body, opening up all your capillaries and getting all the toxins out, oxygenating your blood. And also, because of the heat it, it tricks your body into thinking that you have a? Um, a fever. Okay, so then what it does is um boost up your immune system for your body to take over and heal itself naturally.

Speaker 2:

Nice. Well, I can attest to the heat because there's a warming plate in here and it is so nice. Yes, it's so relaxing, I'm like. I wish I had both hands and feet in it, just ah.

Speaker 1:

Spa day Spa day. So the you said that it boosts your immune system. So even if you have, like a common cold, a flu, or COVID the C word right If you have one of those, does this help to heal that?

Speaker 3:

Oh, yes, because you know COVID clots the blood, yes, and this warms the blood and thins the blood and gets that blood circulating. So you're not going to have, you know, problems with, you know know, strokes and heart attacks and no circulation and, you know, have amputations because they're you're not getting the blood flow. And I have actually saved many people you know who have diabetes and their feet are turning black, they can't walk, they're swollen in. In 30 minutes to an hour I get that blood circulating and they're able to reduce the swelling and the pain and walk, and so they end up buying the machine so they can use it every day. You know, because you know it's a dollar a minute for a treatment.

Speaker 3:

You know I have a naturopath doctor that has one here, and a chiropractor and also health food store, mgnc right here on Russell and Pecos. You know where I'm going to be doing demos there and we're also going to be doing rentals. So just give me a call and I can meet you at your home or meet you at you, you know, wherever you want. You know, and it's just a simple little device. I just need a plug-in and 30 minutes to an hour and that's all it takes. So it's so easy to use.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you set it up. Lickety split when you walked into the studio today.

Speaker 2:

And for those of us it's plug and play. Yeah, it's plug and play. And if you can't, if you're on and if you're listening to the podcast and you can't really see what's going on, we have this small little machine which is like a bread box and you put a temporary glove or a disposable glove on, slide your hand into the machine. There's a warming plate that you rest your hand on. It creates a vacuum suction. I'm just telling you what I'm experiencing here. It creates a vacuum suction.

Speaker 2:

The heating plate warms the hand and, like you said, junko, it's creating that almost a false fever. So that way your body can go into its natural healing state. The warm is so relaxing and the vacuum isn't tight. It's not even as tight as like, let's say, a blood pressure cup, but it's just enough to seal up the opening. So that way you get that, that benefit. I can tell you I had a headache for the past couple days due to stress and stress across my shoulders, and just the heating effect and sitting here in the warming has already started to get that headache to subside and I feel a little tension relief. Matter of fact, I almost feel like I need a nap. I might be sleeping by the time we finish this show.

Speaker 3:

Well, we actually do have many people fall asleep with their hand in the machine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, so relaxing. It is very relaxing and warm.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah, it helps with stress and, you know, anxiety, depression.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and this is an FDA class two clear device. So, this isn't, you know, blowing smoke or some sort of snake oil. This has been approved by the FDA for those circulatory issues. It's called the Avacyn. Yes, and that is the advanced vascular circulation enhancement. Okay.

Speaker 1:

So you mentioned that this is. You have this machine available for purchase. People can purchase it to have in their home. You also have rental and treatment options. Tell us a little bit about all of that.

Speaker 3:

Well, we do have a rental program that we're going to have in effect within the next week. Okay, and then we also have been approved by the VA system. So any veterans out there, please give me a call. You may be able to qualify for a free Addison which is worth $4,500.

Speaker 1:

Wow, nice Wow. That's a great benefit for veterans.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, veterans, thank you for serving our country. We'll get you a great loan and health care options inexpensively.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that is great. And then how will the rental program work for the machine, if people are interested in knowing about?

Speaker 3:

that Well, just give me a call and we will go over everything.

Speaker 1:

We're just getting all that in place right now, okay, and then you do treatment options too, if someone wants to kind of try before they buy. Yes, it's free. Oh, okay, free to try it, okay.

Speaker 2:

All right, and you have a couple locations in town, one in Summerlin and one in Henderson that actually have the machines that you can go to and use.

Speaker 3:

Well, we have a naturopath doctor, dr Michelle Charleston. That doctor, dr Michelle Charleston, and then also Charles at the MGNC Nutrition Center. He will also be going into that program also. But you know, just give me a call. I do have another gentleman that lets people try it for free. He's got a water store on Red Rock Water Springs on Sahara, and it's very important to drink water before you. You know, use this.

Speaker 1:

Drink your water, Tiana, so you have to drink good water. You know, use this, Drink your water.

Speaker 3:

Tiana, so you have to drink good water. You know alkaline water.

Speaker 1:

Because it helps flush the toxins.

Speaker 3:

Is that right?

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, yeah. So I you know they say that with massages and anything like that, when you're releasing toxins, it's good to drink a lot of water, to help flush them. Yeah, you got to clear it. Get your system circulating correctly.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, and what's great is that if you use this before a massage or a chiropractic treatment, your muscles are going to be relaxed so that you know whatever treatment you're getting is going to be more effective, you know. And then cancer, bacteria, viruses do not like heat or oxygenation, so you have to consider that too, because you know, I have you know I can show, you know anybody who wants to see my reports. We also have another medical device that we sell to doctors that can give you a report of what your blood vessels look like. So to prove that this worked, I took that test and my blood vessels were 46% clear and I had 3.2% that were pretty clogged up. And after one year of using this I did another test and it showed that it improved to 75% clear and those bad veins are all gone.

Speaker 3:

So it cleans out your whole system, you know. So it's really naturally.

Speaker 1:

Yes, naturally. Yeah, without, without drugs and pharmaceuticals and all the other stuff that poisons our bodies. So, um, that, that is, uh, that is phenomenal, that is great. Um, what got you into this?

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm a cancer survivor 29 years. Wow, congratulations, thank you. I was in Hawaii and I had a children's store and next door was a health food store. And you know, they told me I had to do chemo radiation, tamoxifen and that if I didn't do it, that if it ever comes back, insurance won't cover me. So so they scared me into doing one treatment of chemo and that wiped me out so bad I was laying on the couch, man, oh my God, chemo is tough, yes, and I had a five-year-old daughter. You know I had just gotten divorced, just moved into a big store, um, and my dad passed away and my mom came over to live with me.

Speaker 3:

So it was lot of stress and a lot of things going on. I was supposed to be taking care of them not, you know, and I could not even get off the couch, you know, to make lunch for my daughter, you know. So I told the doctors forget it. You know I'm not going to do this, you know. So the next door health food store became my doctors, so I did reiki. Acupuncture changed my diet, you know, took um esseac tea, you know, which is fluorescence now has the full formula that the nurse renee case got from the canadian and indians to help with uh curing cancer yeah, I don't know what that is.

Speaker 3:

Yes, there's many many um products out there that can help you. Yeah, I don't know what that is. Yes, there's many, many products out there that can help you, you know, and doctors don't have this information. And so I I took that, you know, took all the antioxidants I could to clean my blood, and you know, and try to reduce the stress in my life, you know, but I didn't get rid of my husband soon enough.

Speaker 2:

So you know the stress was still around.

Speaker 3:

So that's very important Get out of any situations that are very stressful, because it will affect your body.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm a big believer in being in the right place with the right people.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yes, and this will relax you and get rid of stress and, you know, put you in a good mood, you know, and help you sleep good at night. You wake up refreshed and ready to go in the morning, you know. So I'm 69, but my insides, my. I have proof that my veins are 21. I'm inside, I'm 21.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. And so you survived cancer without any chemo or radiation or any of the traditional things that they tell you you need to do to beat cancer.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah, yeah, there's um. I mean, you know, god put all these herbs on this earth to help ourselves heal our bodies. You know, and that's all been lost over the years, you know. So you know we need to get back into a natural, holistic healing. Yeah, yes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, it is definitely a thing. You know that the pharmaceuticals, the medical industry is, you know, just pumping us full of poisons. You sound like me, trish Well.

Speaker 2:

I totally agree. I think that the best medicine or the worst poison you can put into your body tends to be the food or the medicines that you're ingesting, and I think that emergency medicine is obviously super important.

Speaker 1:

critical for life-saving, of course.

Speaker 2:

But I believe that there are ways that your body can heal if you take care of it. And you eat right Now. If you're eating Big Macs and Cokes and everything all day, then I don't know that anything will save you other than changing your diet.

Speaker 1:

To start, oh yeah, because there are poisons, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're like class one carcinogens in my opinion. But anyway, if you do make an effort to have a healthy lifestyle and you are looking for homeopathic treatments and you want to be natural, then herbs and medicines and stuff that are available, bountiful here on the planet are made. For us is what you should do, and that's how this thing was so intriguing to me, because I do have family members that have diabetes, that do have compromised circulation because of the damage that the sugar has done, and so the idea of this is just fascinating to me. And, like I said, it is FDA approved, so you do have some medical proof. If that's the type of person you are, you need the FDA to say, hey, this is good for you. Well, here you go, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, well, it's FDA cleared. Cleared class two medical device.

Speaker 1:

Fda cleared class two medical device and you mentioned earlier before the show that in some cases insurance can cover this, this machine. So how does that work?

Speaker 3:

well, some chiropractors do have take insurance, so they can, you know, cover it by insurance. But it's really hard, you know. They make it so hard, you know, for a lot of doctors to get insurance reimbursement.

Speaker 3:

So a lot of doctors and chiropractors are not doing insurance anymore, so it's all cash pay yeah but you know most, most will charge like a dollar a minute, you know, for a 30-minute treatment or you know for treatments for $100. You know there's package deals that you can negotiate with your doctor and so we're trying to get it out to the doctors. So if there are any chiropractors or medical doctors listening, please give me a call. You know we finally got the Veterans Administration to approve this for the veterans, so there is, you know, validity in this product. You know we have many testing. We have done autistic testing for children In Canada. We did a study for it's approved actually in Canada for fibromyalgia.

Speaker 2:

Oh, wow, yes.

Speaker 3:

So you know, and it takes millions of dollars worth of testing. You know to. You know, be able to say that. You know this has been approved for this or that condition, but there are many, many conditions that it has helped you know. So I'd advise everyone out there to you know research, you research. Call me, I can send you information. You can go on YouTube, you can look on our website. There's many, many testing statistics and information that you can find medical testimonials it's out there.

Speaker 1:

And there's no product that you add to this that does anything. I don't see any like fog going around in there, it's just the machine itself and what it does, Just the heat.

Speaker 3:

but it's not like you can put your hand in a hot water and it's going to do the same thing.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so what makes this different than a hot water?

Speaker 3:

See see, your, your body has mechanisms, mechanisms that will automatically, you know, protect itself. Like, if you're in a sauna, you're going to sweat to help your body to cool down, and then if you put your hand in hot water, then your body is automatically going to constrict those blood vessels so that warm blood doesn't get through your body. But because of this special vacuum seal that we have, this allows that warm blood to go throughout your body without the body reacting to it. So it's very yes, this is our secret right here.

Speaker 2:

You guys don't tell anybody, it's the wrist cuff that works here.

Speaker 1:

Is there any type of like vibration aspect to it, because I hear the machine kind of making a noise. Is that just the heat of the machine? The machine, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it really just feels like a little bit of a vacuum cuff around the wrist and then my hand on a curved warm plate. I mean, there's no stress, it's not uncomfortable, there's no vibration, there's nothing poking, there's no sensations other than just relaxation.

Speaker 1:

If I'm being honest, yeah, how amazing that something so simple can offer so many benefits. I know I said I want it on all four of my limbs.

Speaker 2:

I just want a spa day with this thing, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So how long have you been with this company? About seven years now, okay, all right. So you've been with them a while. You've used the product a lot. You've served a lot of people. How many clients would you say that you've been able to help over the past seven years?

Speaker 3:

Gosh, I don't even have a record of all my clients, but many, many clients. I have pictures of a lot of them. Who know who are. We're in bad shape and now you know they're healthy and recovering from all their ailments and you know it's given back their life, you know, and I mean, can you imagine not being able to walk with because you have diabetes and you have no circulation?

Speaker 3:

and pain, you know, terrible. You know, I had people that were in bed. They couldn't get out of bed and after using this, they can get out of bed easily. You know, wow, because it gets that blood circulating. I even had like three-year-olds. You know, use this, wow. So, yeah, it can accommodate a three-year-old, wow, yes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so it's safe. I don't see any, like you know, I don't see any UV lights or anything like that and, as we mentioned before, it's the heat and the suction there. So overall, and I'm sure with the FDA approval, that shows that it's.

Speaker 1:

FDA clearance, that that shows that it's a safe machine to use. Yes, yes, Okay. And how about you know, like for the treatments? Like, say, someone has a temporary ailment and they don't? They, they opt not to purchase a machine. How long would you say that, that the treatments? Is it like a case by case basis? Do you give them recommendations when you talk to them of how long and how many treatments they should be doing?

Speaker 3:

Well, you know everybody is different and we just tell them to try it out and see how it feels. You know some people use it a couple times a week. You know some people use it every day, twice a day. Some people use it three, four times a day. You know we have many people that are in serious condition that use it, you know, like three and four times a day and they have great relief.

Speaker 1:

Is there a limit to how many times you can use it?

Speaker 3:

No more is better with this, because it just keeps that blood flowing and getting the toxins out. You know, rejuvenating your body and you know, as we all get old, you know your heart can't pump that blood like it used to, right, you know. So we need a little help you know, so um, it's like having a doctor in the house. You know um because you know like, like I said, cancer bacteria viruses don't like heat or oxygenation you know, and that's the point of the advent heat and oxygenation.

Speaker 2:

you know, and that's the point of the advent heat and oxygenation. Do you remember when we interviewed at the home show? I couldn't get the word out Oxygenation.

Speaker 1:

Oxygenation Nailed it. So is this something that people can use for preventative purposes? Oh, yes, yeah, so you don't necessarily have to have an element to use it. You could use it as you know, just being a just a regular thing that you do, you know, once, twice a day or a couple of times a week, is just for preventative measures to keep everything flowing and working the right way.

Speaker 3:

It will help relax you and sleep good at night, and then you wake up energized. I can attest to that.

Speaker 2:

I want to nap. I've only been on it 30 minutes and I'm like, yay, sleepy time.

Speaker 1:

Tiana's done for the day. She'll be napping after the show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, nobody call me or text me for two hours yeah it's very, very relaxing. Yeah, it is. It is very relaxing. I like the warm plate. I was a little concerned that maybe it might be hot to the touch, but I would never say that it's hot. After experiencing it I would definitely say it's a nice warming effect, a little bit more than maybe like a heating pad on high. Okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Now is this just for your hands? Tiana mentioned her feet a couple of times. Do you put your feet in this too, or is it just for hands?

Speaker 3:

No, because your heart will pump that blood from the top of your head to your baby toe. You know, and so it's, you, don't well?

Speaker 2:

not only that, but I have to assume, because of the complexity of the veins and the arteries that go into your hand, that this would be the prime place to put it Right. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So if people out there want to get ahold of you, they want to do a demo, they want to do a hold of you, they want to do a demo, they want to do a treatment, how do they get started? How does the process work and how do people? What happens when someone contacts you?

Speaker 3:

Well, just call me at 702-236-6863. And I will be happy to meet with them at their home or you restaurant, as long as we can find a plug to plug it in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's pretty, quiet, pretty compact.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely. It's, like I said, plug and play, so it doesn't require a lot. So if someone calls you, they reach out to you, they want to try it out, but they aren't you know, aren't sure? I mean, obviously they've never seen or heard of this before. They don't know what it's going to do. So they want to show the proof. They could do just like Tiana's doing right now and try a treatment and see what the results are, how they feel and and help with that. What if they want to do multiple treatments before purchasing? Um, you do that for a uh like a charge per treatment?

Speaker 3:

Um, well, if they want to purchase it, I'll let them try it a few more times. You know, Um, but then, um, we also can do rentals. So we'll have that in place next week. So, and I'll probably have a regular schedule atNC Nutrition Center starting next week, so people can call me and meet me there.

Speaker 1:

And what will be the terms of the rental? Will it be like, do they rent the machine for a week or for a day or for a month, or how does that work?

Speaker 1:

Well, it's all up to them, and we still haven't figured all the pricing yet, but we'll have that all in place next week so there'll be different options for them and and I see that as a benefit to some people you know some people want to just, you know, make, just do their own test on it, try it, you know, try it out, see how it works, see what the results are, and if they, you know, decide it's something they can't live without, then they're going to want to move forward with the purchase on it.

Speaker 3:

Oh yes, and this is a medical device. So you can carry this onto the airplane, you know, in a little small little carry on bag, and they cannot charge you for it. Yeah, like taking your. Cpap or something. Okay, that's cool, this goes with me everywhere.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, I think that if you've seen results from it, then you'd never want to give it up, right? And because you have seen the results, you've had them test your veins to see how clogged they are versus how clear they are. Now that you've been on it, a year Now.

Speaker 3:

a lot of people have damaged tissues from accidents and this has helped me, since I have a permanent injury in my ankle and my heel. If I don't use this every day, then, because there's no proper blood flow going into my ankle and my my heel, you know, my feet will start to swell up and and be very painful and very stiff, and doctors, all they could offer me was pain pills or fusing my ankle. And so if I use this every day, I'm normal, you know, I can run, I can dance, I can jump up and down, you know, no problem. But it would be a problem if I didn't have this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely, Definitely, and being active. What do you mind telling us your age again? I know, but I'm shocked by it.

Speaker 3:

I'm shocked by it. Well, I'm 69. I'll be 70 in January, yeah, but I feel like I'm 21. My insides are 21.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you're very active. You're out there. Plus, I mean, we've seen you at the by Vegas show. I see you all around, so you're doing things.

Speaker 2:

You're out there, you're mobile and you're living your best life Definitely a good testament.

Speaker 1:

You do have a website where people can go and look at more information. Just read some material that you have there. What's your website?

Speaker 3:

I have two, it's healthybodybyjunkocom, and also I have another one, avidsoncom, and then forward slash my whole name, marie Junco Borges Harris. But just call me, you know, and I'll give, I'll send you all the information.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and she takes text as well, so you can just text her if you want to. Just, you know reply. Some people are like scared to get on the phone these days. I don't get that. I'm a phone person. But yeah, right, and they can call you. Yes, they can call me. So my phone number is 702-308-2878. And you can call me about your real estate needs. Or if you didn't catch Junko's number and you want to call me to connect with her, I'm happy to connect you and Tiana. How do people get a hold of you and they can hear your testimonial about?

Speaker 2:

how you felt Exactly. So go ahead and give me a call, shoot me a text 702-379-9948. And I did notice when I looked up on the screen that they had cut off a little bit of your phone number, so I'm going to repeat your phone number. So if you happen to look at the screen and you're missing a digit, oh there it is, he's got that three at the end.

Speaker 2:

All right, 702-236-6863. If you want to get ahold of Juneco again, you're not a doctor. This isn't medical advice. You're just out there advocating for people to heal naturally and this is your tool that you're using to share that information.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, yep, and this is our community spotlight show, so it's a little bit different from all the rest of the shows, but if you want to tune into us, you want to follow us, you can check out our link tree realtyvegas. That has all the links for everywhere you can reach us. And if you are watching the show right now, please hit that like subscribe, follow button, however, or wherever you're watching, so you don't miss an episode and we will see you next week. We'll see you next.

Speaker 2:

Thursday have a great week Vegas. Thank you Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye.

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